Junk Removal inNeedham

We provide fast, affordable, and friendly junk removal services in Needham, MA!

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Junk Removal in Needham is quick and simple when you trust the professionals at Treasure Trove Junk Removal for the job!

  • Fast. Tell us when you want to begin and we’ll be there!
  • Affordable. Our rates are upfront and fair.
  • Professional. We’ve got a hardworking crew of experts!
  • Full-service. We do all the heavy lifting and loading!

What We Take

Our crew is experienced in all types of junk removal! So no matter what you need to get rid of in Needham, we can take it!

  • Furniture. Let us haul away those old mattresses, recliners, couches, and more!
  • Appliances. Don’t worry about how to get rid of that old refrigerator. We’ll take it!
  • Construction Debris. We’ll remove insulation, lumber, metal, and other debris.
  • Yard Waste. Do you have branches and brush that need to go? No problem!

We also do cleanouts! Our team can sort through and clear all junk, clutter, and trash from your basement, estate, or garage.

Light Demo in Needham

In addition to junk removal and cleanouts in Needham, we also provide demolition services. Our crew will safely demo small structures and haul away the debris for you!

  • Playsets
  • Sheds
  • Fences
  • Decks
  • And More!

Call (774) 244-2020 for more information about demolition in Needham.

Upfront Pricing

Treasure Trove Junk Removal keeps prices upfront and honest! No matter what sort of service you need, we’ll keep things transparent.

  • Quote. We’ll take a look at the job and then give you a firm quote at no cost.
  • No Surprises. Don’t worry about surprise fees. Our quotes are firm!
  • Settling Up. When the job is done, you can pay with cash, card, check, PayPal, or Venmo.

Easy Booking

Ready to get started? We are available when you need us!

  • Call (774) 244-2020 to talk to a member of our team.
  • Tell us about the junk you need to have removed.
  • Decide when you’d like us to be there.
  • We’ll get you on the schedule!
You are also welcome to contact us for more information about what we do or the locations we serve.

Full-Service Junk Removal in Needham

We aim to make the Needham junk removal process simple for you. You can expect our crew to go above and beyond so you don’t have to worry about a thing!

  1. Just show our crew what needs to go and we’ll take it from there!
  2. Our team will safely remove items from your home, business, or property.
  3. We’ll check with you to be sure we got it all and sweep up any loose debris.
  4. Our crew will take everything to be recycled or properly disposed of.


Call us at 774-244-2020 or email us at treasuretrovetrash@yahoo.com for Your Instant Services Quote Today!