Junk Removal inWalpole

Pick the local pros at Treausre Trove Junk Removal for junk removal in Walpole!

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Convenient Junk Removal in


Treasure Trove Junk Removal is on call and prepared to provide Walpole junk removal when you need it!

  • 7 Days a Week. We work Monday through Sunday!
  • Prompt. Our crew will arrive at the scheduled time.
  • Prepared. We’ll bring a crew and all necessary equipment.
  • Efficient. We work efficiently to get the job done quick!

Services in Walpole

We provide a broad range of junk removal services in Walpole!

  • Junk Removal. Our crew can gather, load, and haul away old furniture, construction debris, yard waste, and much more!
  • Cleanouts. Let us do the messy work of cleaning out large spaces. We clean out basements, garages, hoards, and other spaces.
  • Demolition. Do you need to get rid of an old storage shed, playhouse, swing set, or deck? Let us take care of demo and cleanup!

Call (774) 244-2020 for more information.


All of our junk removal and cleanout services in Walpole are full-service. That means that all you ever have to do is show us what goes and we’ll take care of everything else. Here’s how it works.

  • Prep. First, we’ll assess your needs and make a plan to safely remove all unwanted items from your Walpole home or business.
  • Removal & Cleanup. We’ll do all the lifting and moving required to get your items into our junk removal truck. Then we’ll sweep up.
  • Hauling. Finally, our crew will take all of your items to be properly recycled or disposed of so you don’t have to worry about that.

Honest Pricing

Treasure Trove Junk Removal believes in fair and transparent pricing. So whether you need to get rid of junk, clean out a large space, or call in a pro for demolition in Walpole, you can trust that you’re getting an honest price.

  • No-Cost Quotes. Before we begin any job, we’ll give you a firm quote at no cost or obligation.
  • Local Rates. As a local business, we prioritize affordable rates for our community!
  • Simple Payment. We accept cash, checks, cards, Venmo, and PayPal.

Easy Booking

We work 7 days a week so you never have to wait around for Walpole junk removal!

When you’re ready to begin, then call (774) 244-2020! You can speak with a helpful member of our crew that will gather some information about your junk removal or cleanout needs. Tell us when you want to begin and we’ll get you on the schedule ASAP.

You’re also welcome to contact us for more information about what we do, locations we serve, and our availability.

Local Experts Serving Walpole

  • Locally-Owned & Operated. Treasure Trove Junk Removal is a local small business in Holliston, MA.
  • Community. We serve the residents and businesses of Norfolk County and Metro West.
  • Service. Our number one priority is providing professional service at affordable prices.
  • Convenience. We work  for you! Tell us how we can help and we’ll get the job done!


Call us at 774-244-2020 or email us at treasuretrovetrash@yahoo.com for Your Instant Services Quote Today!